• The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    July 16, 2024 · AI,MachineLearningApplications,MachineLearning,LLM,PromptEngineering
    Chain-of-Thought Prompting Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting is a method that enhances large language models' (LLMs) ability to explain their reasoning. This approach breaks down multi-step problems into intermediate steps, which allows the models to perform additional computation when required....
    July 15, 2024 · QUESTIONS 5-8,AISelfAwareness,EthicalAI,FutureOfAI
    Introduction As AI technology advances, the question of whether AI can achieve self-awareness becomes increasingly pertinent. This paper continues the discussion on the relationship between attention mechanisms in AI and theories of consciousness started in my previous works in the form of an...
    July 9, 2024 · SurvivalAgainstAllOdds,FortressOfSolitude,EscapingChaos,SanctuaryInTurmoil,UltimateSafeHaven
    Introduction Global tension is on the rise, driven by a confluence of factors such as robotization, artificial intelligence, economic instability, and the political ambitions of nations like China and its allies. Hacking of computer systems by government-supported groups and the eruption of...
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